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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Geography Quiz

Geography Quiz

1. What is the name of the highest summit of Nilgiri Hills? – Doda-betta

2. Which river flows between Vindhyan and Satpura ranges? – Narmada

3. Which city has the longest day in the month of June? – Kolkata

4. Which crop is grown in India mainly by dry farming? – Millet

5. Mahatma Gandhi Hydroelectric Project is on which river? – Sharavati

6. Which National Highways pass through Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Orissa? – NH 6

7. When will the Smith-tuttle comet crash with Earth? – In 2116 AD

8. What will be the shortest day in Australia? – June 21

9. Which is produced by the rapid ascent of moist air? – Hail

10. Which natural region is best known for the production of grapes? – Mediterranean

11. The removal of rock, layer by layer due to weathering what is called? – Exfoliation

12. The Dogger Bank, the main fishing area of Europe, where is this area? – North Sea

13. Which State has the largest coastline in India? – Gujarat

14. In which State is the Guru Shikhar Peak located? – Rajasthan

15. By what name is the Ganga known in Bangladesh ? – Padma

16. Forest policy of govt. aims to bring what percentage of total area, under forest? – 33%

17. Which crop requires continuous semiaquatic condition for cultivation? – Rice

18. Which state has the highest amount of Nickel Ore resources ? – Orissa

19. What is the position of Indian Railways network in the world? – Fourth

20. On which planet of the solar system does the sun rise in the west and set in the east? – Venus

21. What is the distance of the equator from either of the poles? – 10,002 km

22. Which Very strong and cold icy winds that blow in the Polar regions? – Blizzards

23. Which climate best suited for horticulture? – Mediterranean

24. The movement inside the Earth’s crust is studied by which science? – Seismology

25. Which Strait separates Asia from North America? – The Bering Strait

26. The northern part of the west coast is known by which name? – Konkan coast

27. Which new alluvial deposits found in the Gangetic plain? – khadar

28. Lake Sambhar is nearest to which city of Rajasthan? – Jaipur

29. In which season is the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal maximum? – After summer

30. Which State has the largest number of sugar mills? – Uttar Pradesh

31. Which does not have a unit of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) ? – Kolkata

32. Which State is least developed in rail routes? – Manipur

33. What is the outermost layer of Sun called? – Corona

34. If a place is located at 20°N, 80°E in which continents does it lie ? – Asia

35. Which layer of the atmosphere provides ideal conditions for flying of jet aeroplanes? – Stratosphere

36. The equatorial regions receive rainfall throughout the year. What is the annual rainfall? – 250 cms

37. Which geomorphic processes is associated with the work of glaciers? – Plucking

38. Which is the greatest known ocean depth (which lies in the Pacific Ocean)? – 11,033 m

39. Which group of people changes their house types according to seasons? – Kirghiz

40. The oldest inhabitants of India are considered by which name? – Negritoes

41. Which State in India has the broadest continental shelf? – Tamil Nadu

42. Which peninsular river is westward flowing? – Tapti

43. Why does north-western India receive substantial rainfall during winter months? – Westerly disturbances

44. Apart from Tamil Nadu, lignite is found in which state? – Gujarat

45. Which is the first National Park established in India? – Corbett National Park

46. Which planet is known as the ‘Watery Planet’ ? – Earth

47. What percentage of insolation is received by the earth’s surface? – 47%

48. Which Warm dry winds blowing down the east slopes of Rockies? – Chinook

49. Which vegetation is called natural cattle country ? – Downs

50. Which European country has over 200 volcanoes, many of them still active? – Iceland


1. In which country is Barail range located? – India

2. Which State in India has the broadest continental shelf? – Gujarat

3. Which longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time? – 82.5°E

4. Which is the oldest mountain range in India? – Aravali

5. In which district is the highest point of Eastern Ghats located? – Visakhapatnam

6. Among the States of India, which one has the oldest rock formations in the country? – Karnataka

7. The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges, which is the oldest range? – the Great Himalayas Range

8. Which country has the longest international boundary with India? – Bangladesh

9. India is the seventh largest country in the world and how much area does it cover approximately? – 3200000 sq. km

10. How much percent land area of India is covered by plains? – 43.3


24. The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer long? – 2500

25. The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer broad? – 150 to 400

26. How many islands of India are located in the Bay of Bengal? – 204

27. The Himalayas consist of how many main parallel ranges from north to south. – Three

28. How much percentage land areas of India is covered by mountains? – 10.7

29. Driest areas of India which lie in Rajasthan have howmuch average annual rainfall? – Less than 1 cm

30. In terms of area, India is which largest country of the world? – Seventh

31. The Karakoram Highway connects which pair of countries? – China-Pakistan

32. What is the approximate length of the coast-line of India? – 6,000 km

33. Among the Union Territories of India, which one has the largest size? – Puducherry

34. The distance between the northern most point in Kashmir and Kanyakumari covers about how many latitudes? – 300 Latitude

35. Seacoast of which state is the longest? – Gujarat

36. Which range of Himalayas is know for hill stantions ? – Himachal

37. Which is east of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands? – Indonesia

38. What is the difference between IST and GMT? – 5 hours 30 minutes

39. In which island of India is an active volcano found ? – Barren Island

40. Kula, Kufri, Kajjair and Dalhousie are all tourists place of which state? – Himachal Pradesh

41. Which two river meet and form the largest delta in the world? – Ganga-Brahmaputra

42. Which correct sequence of places going from the east to the west of India? – Jorhat, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Rajkot

43. Which is the wettest place in India? – Mawsynram

44. Which is area with annual rainfall less than 500 cm in a year? – Leh in Kashmir

45. How much average annual rainfall is experienced in the Rayilsema? – About below 60 cm

46. Which region has the highest variability of rainfall? – Gujarat

47. Which station has maximum annual range of temperature? – Delhi

48. Which are two coldertmenths in the northern part of India ? – December, January

49. Which is the State having the highest rainfall by North-East Monsoon? – Tamil Nadu

50. During winter North-western part of India gets rainfall from which side? – Western disturbances

51. Which winds prevail in India during cold weather season ? – North-East Trade winds

52. Which cause rainfall in the north-western parts of India during Winter Season? – Western disturbances

53. South west monsoon contributes to India’s total rainfall upto the extent of how many percentages? – 80-90 percent

54. In Thornthwaite’s scheme of classification of climate, what does ‘E’ indicate in the context of India? – Arid climate

55. Which region does not receive much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season? – Eastern Himalayas

56. Which state receives rainfall from north-east monsoons? – Tamil Nadu

57. Which is considered to cause an adverse of effect on Indian monsoon? – El-nino

58. Which region does not receives much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season? – Tamil Nadu coast

59. The annual variability of rainfall is over 50 percent in which state? – Western Rajasthan

60. Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of which map? – Chropleth map

61. Which place gets the least rainfall? – Jodhpur

62. In certain parts of Khasi and Jaintia hills, annual rainfall is about howmany c.m.? – 1000 cm

63. Which place receives fainfall less than 20 cms? – Jammu and Kashmir

64. The maximum rainfall area of India, i. e, Meghalaya has average annual rainfall of howmany c.m.? – 1050 cm

65. Certain regions of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh have rainy season in which months? – October-December

66. North-East monson causes rainfall in South-Eastern part of peninsular India during which states? – May-June

67. On the basis of rainfall patterns, India has been divided into how many number of rainfall regions? – 62

68. Amritsar and Shimla are almost on the same latitude, but why is their climate difference? – Due to the difference in their altitudes

69. Among regions of India, which one receives comparatively least amount of annual rainfall? – North-eastern Rajasthan

70. In which season in the frequency of tropical cyclenes in the Bay of Bengal Maximum? – Retreating mansoon

71. Why most parts of India remains dry during cold weather season? – Due to low pressure

72. The areas where monthly rainfall during October to December ranges 10 cm to 30 cm fall in which state? – Jammu and Kashmir

73. In which valley is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located? – Sutlej valley

74. Macmohan Line demarcates the boundary between which countries? – India and China

75. Which latitude passes through India? – Tropic of Cancer

76. Which river does not form any delta at its mouth? – Tapti and Narmada

77. Penganga, Wardha and Wainganga are the tributaries of which river? – Godavari

78. Which lake in India has the highest water salinity? – Sambhar

79. Which region has internal drainage? – Rajasthan

80. On which river is located Indo- Pak Bagalihar Project? – Chenab

81. Which waterfall in India has the most height? – Kunchikal Falls

82. In India, which state has the largest inland saline wetland? – Rajasthan

83. The Dul Hasti Power Station is based on which river? – Chenab

84. The Chilka Lake region lies in between the deltas of which rivers? – Mahanadi and Godavari

85. Whey are some of the rivers of peninsular India non perennial mainly? – Beacause rainfall is seasonal

86. Which lake has been formed due to tectonic activities? – Wular lake

87. The Damodar-Subarnarekha system is an example of which pattern? – Superimposed drainage pattern

88. If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go? – Rajasthan

89. When the top layer of the soil is removed over a large area by running water, what is it called? – Sheet erosion

90. Of the gross cropped area in India, the food grains occupy howmany percentages? – 60 to 70 percent

91. Which crop are grain with the on set of mansoon and are harvested in September-October? – Kharif

92. Which state leads in the production of maize? – Punjab

93. With which crop has Green Revolution been associated? – Wheat

94. Out of the total irrigated areas, the highest percentage of tank irrigated area lies in which state? – Bihar

95. Which is the state that is top in the cultivation of flowers? – Tamil Nadu

96. The small and marginal farmers will get irrigation facilities through which plan? – Ganga Kalyan Yojna

97. In India, what is the main limiting factor for cultivation? – Indequacy of water supply

98. Which state is the largest producer of black pepper in India? – Kerala

99. Jhum cultivation is a method of cultivation which is used to be practiced in which state? – Nagaland

100. Which is not an important plantation crop of India? – Grapes


1. Which state receive the highest rainfall during winter months? – Tamil Nadu

2. Which Indian States is the largest producer of natural rubber? – Kerala

3. Why was Farakka Barrage commissioned? – Save Kolkata port

4. Where is the Indian Wild Ass (Ghor-Khur) found? – The Rann of Kachch

5. What is the period of one revolution of sun around the centre of galaxy called? – Cosmic year

6. The Earth rotates-around an axis pointing towards which side? – The pole star

7. What is the amount of actual water vapour of air? – Absolute humidity

8. Where is the greatest average annual precipitation? – In Philippines

9. Which is the highest plateau in the world? – Pamir Plateau

10. Which is the highest lake above the sea level in the world? – Lake Titicaca

11. In which is the largest population of Scheduled Tribes? – Madhya Pradesh

12. The highest peak of the Himalayas in India is in which state? – Sikkim

13. Which river is known as ‘Vridha Ganga’? – Godavari

14. In which city of India, the diurnal range of temperature is maximum? – New Delhi

15. Which soil is most suited for tea plantation? – Acidic

16. Which has the largest number of sugar mills? – Uttar Pradesh

17. India is divided into how many pin code zones? – Eight

18. Which planet is known as ‘Morning Star’ ? – Venus

19. On which date the earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion)? – July 4th

20. Which instrument used for measuring relative humidity in air? – Hygrograph

21. Which country has predominantly the Mediterranean Climate? – Italy

22. Synclines and anticlines are the terms associated with which thing? – folding

23. Which is not helpful for delta formation? – Tidal nature of waves

24. Which foreign country is closest to Andarnan Islands? – Myanmar

25. In which valley is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located? – Sutlej valley

26. Which lake in India has the highest water salinity? – Sambhar

27. The retreating monsoon withdraws from which state? – North-west India to Bengal

28. Which state has the largest net irrigated area? – Tamil Nadu

29. Which State of India is the largest producer of lignite coal? – Tamil Nadu

30. In which place is the headquarters of the North-Eastern Railway located? – Gorakhpur

31. What is the distance of Milky way? – 105 light years

32. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to howmuch distance? – 50 miles

33. At low elevation which cloud are to be found? – Nimbus

34. Which is an example of Midlatitude desert ? – Patagonia desert

35. From which rocks is the soil material mainly derived? – Sedimentary rocks

36. Which is the largest lake in Africa? – Lake Victoria

37. West Bengal shares boundaries with how many foreign countries? – Three

38. Which forms the western boundary of the Indian sub-continent? – Hindukush

39. Which tributary of the Ganga System flows northwards? – Sone

40. Which factor does not have influence on the Indian climate? – Ocean currents

41. Which is the largest mustard oil growing state? – U.P.

42. Which was India’s first mobile offshore drilling platform? – Sagar Samrat

43. Which is located in the’ Bastar region? – Indravati National Park

44. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their which quality? – Temperature

45. In how many time zones has the world been divided into? – 24

46. Which is a type of planetary wind? – Westerlies

47. Which country celebrates Christmas festival in summer season? – Australia

48. ‘Caldera’ is a feature associated with which thing? – Volcanoes

49. On the shore of which country cold currents have cooling effect? – Peru

50. Which city is nearest to the Tropic of Cancer? – Kolkata


1. What is the percentage of radiant energy reflected back by surface called? – Albedo

2. Which types of cloud rarely forms at height lower than 5000 metres? – Nimbostratus

3. A sea-breeze front is a weather front created by a sea-breeze, also known by which name? – Convergence zone

4. What is a line on a weather map joining all places of equal pressure called? – Isobar

5. Why is wind in the southern hemisphere is deflected towards left? – Due to rotation of the earth

6. Local thunderstorms ‘Norwesters’ are prominent in which state? – West Bengal

7. If the atmosphere is cooled, what is its capacity for water vapour? – Lowered

8. The tornadoes are very strong tropical cyclones originating in which sea? – Caribbean sea

9. Which region receives the rainfall throughout the year due to westerly winds? – South Chile

10. A cold local wind draining occasionally down the Rhone valley is known by which name? – Mistral


26. Exceptionally high rainfall is recorded in regions owing to which effect? – Orographic effect

27. In which country has maximum damage to the forests been caused by acid rain? – Poland

28. Which type of rubber provides the best commercial rubber? – Castillo

29. Which biomass has the highest species diversity? – Tropical rainforests

30. What is the minimum forest cover to maintain ecological balance? – 33%

31. The high altitude tropical forest which has dwarfed trees is known by which name? – Elfm forest

32. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called? – Vegatherms

33. The lower limit of the growing season is fixed a temperature of how many degrees? – 6°C

34. Bamboo and pine trees are generally found in which types of climates? – Tropical monsoon

35. Thick stems and thorny wax coated leaves are commonly found in which area? – Deserts

36. Xerophytes are plants which can grow in regions having how moisture? – Low moisture

37. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called? – mesotherms

38. Plants which lack true roots, stems and leaves are called by which name? – Thallophytes

39. Equatorial forest of the Amazon basin is known as by which name? – Selvas

40. Plants having thorny leaves and penetrating roots are classified by which name? – Xerophytes

41. Primitive people practice animal rearing in the tropical grasslands of which area? – East Africa

42. What are the Low-latitude grasslands in south America called? – Pampas

43. The daily and annual range of temperature is minimum in which area? – Hot desert

44. The daily and annual range of temperature is maximum in which area? – Savanna grassland

45. Which environment leads to the occurrence of acid rain? – Sulphur dioxide

46. Which endangered Ridley turtles have the world’s largest aggregation? – Gahirmatha

47. Which climate factor has the least effect upon terrestrial ecosystem? – Wind

48. By whom was the concept of ‘stop and go’ Determinism put forward? – Griffith Taylor

49. What is the transition zone between two Ecosystems called? – Ecotone

50. The wave length of electromagnetic wave of the spectrum is expressed in which unit? – Angstorm

51. Which activity occupies the largest area of the world? – Pastoral herding

52. Which is the chief characteristic of wet and dry tropics? – Constant heating

53. In equatorial regions How is the temperature between July and January? – The same

54. Which natural region produced by the creation of climatic homogeneity by the sea? – Marine west coast

55. Lichens and Mosses are characteristic vegetation of which zone? – The polar zone

56. Which Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the region? – North-West Atlantic

57. A majority of the population of New found land are engaged in which profession? – Fishing

58. Which is the most important pelagic fish found in the North Sea adjacent to the U. K.? – Herring

59. Which country produced 127 lakh metric tones fish in 2010? – Japan

60. The Dogger Bank, the main fishing area of Europe, lies in which sea? – North Sea

61. Which country is included in the North-West pacific fishing grounds? – Japan

62. Abundance of organic matter in the soil is indicated by which colour? – Dark colour

63. What is the most suitable measure for soil conservation? – Afforestation

64. Which are the Soils that developed in humid tropical regions? – Laterite

65. Which soils developed on transported sediments? – Lithosols

66. Which type of soils produced by granite and gneiss of weathering? – Red

66. In which region is maximum amount of world’s phosphate produced? – Northern Africa

68. Which mineral is found in association with zinc? – Lead

69. In CIS, Krivory Rog, Kerch peninsula, Magnitogorsk are major producers of which ore? – Iron Ore

70. Which mineral is occurs in Alluvial deposits? – Tin

71. Which minerals are associated with granite and igneous rock? – Gold and silver

72. Which country is the largest producer of electricity by wind power in the world? – Norway

73. Where is the highest hydro-power potential in the African continent? – Equatorial Africa

74. Which country has the highest proportion of its electricity generation by nuclear plants? – France

75. Which is the highest coal producing country in the world? – China

76. Which country is the biggest exporter of soybeans in the world? – U.S.A.

77. Which region is practicing most intensive subsistence farming? – Monsoon Asia

78. Which food stuff is supposed to be the aristocrat among all cereals? – Wheat

79. Who has divided the world into major agricultural regions? – Whittlesey

80. Which country is well-known for its small precision high cost industrial goods? – Switzerland

81. Which has influenced most regarding the location of industries in the world? – Petroleum

82. Among the Asian countries, whose share in the world exports is the highest? – Singapore

83. Augusta and Atlanta, Where are the two important cotton textile centers located? – Georgia

84. Who devoted himself to the study of the modes of life of Germans living outside Germany? – Ratzel

85. Who advocated the idea that ‘the state is an organism attached to the land’? – Ratzel

86. Who geographers stated that the Earth is ail inseparable organic whole? – Ritter

87. The highest growth rate of population is found in which country? – India

88. Who was the first scholar to formulate the laws of migration? – Ravenstein, E.G.

89. South East Asian Cultural realm culturally is dominated by which country? – China

90. Which primitive people use ‘Krall’ for their shelter? – Maasai

91. Which racial group has the largest number of members? – Mongoloid

92. Who propounded the concentric circle theory of city morphology? – Burgess

93. Which country has the largest concentration of Railways? – South Africa

94. Which geographers wrote the book ‘Influences of Geographic Environment’? – Semple

95. Which geographer has developed the idea of the ‘mobility transition’? – L.A. Kosinski

96. Which geographer adopted the ‘deductive method’ of study in geography? – Kant

97. Which is the largest country in South West Asia in terms of population? – Turkey

98. ‘Amphilious’ wooden houses, floating of the chanals, where are found? – Bangkok

99. The major amount of wheat in Ukraine is produced in area of which soil? – Black earth (soil)

100. What is the largest country in the western hemisphere in terms of population? – United states


1. In which resion Softwood forests are mostly found? – Himalayan region

2. When was the Panama Canal constructed? – 1914 A.D.

3. Which are the mass Maps on large scale, representing both natural and man-made features? – Topographic maps

4. The requirement of water is highest in which industry? – Iron and Steel

5. What is generally expressed by the concentration of pollutants in atmosphere? – parts per million

6. How is the predominant soil in the Coastal plains and North Indian plains? – Alluvial

7. Between which hills Palghat is situated? – The Nilgiris and the Anaimalai Hills

8. What do we call the The group of stars arranged in a definite pattern? – Constellation

9. Which country has the highest percentage of its geographical area under forests? – Japan

10. Which country accounts for about two thirds of earning of its total export from rice trade ? – Myanmar

11. Which continent has the largest area in the equatorial belt? – South America

12. Which is place located at the confluence of Alaknanda and Pindar rivers? – Karnapiayag

13. Which Wallace's Line distinguishes or separates the flora and fauna? – South-East Asia and Australasia

14. By which countries The state of Sikkim is surrounded? – China, Nepal, Bhutan and West Bengal

15. Which place in India is nearest to the Tropic of Cancer? – Aizawl

16. Which is the main characteristic of Mediterranean climate? – Rain in winter season 

17. Which International waterways is operated through lock-system? – Panama Canal

18. Thtough which passes does the 'Golden quadrilateral', connect Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata? – Vadodara - Pune - Visakhapatnam - Varanasi

19. Ice glacier's melting is a common phenomenon linked to the rise in seawater level. Where are The glaciers predominantly present? – Antarctica

20. Of which ghat is Veliconda group of low hills a structural part? – Eastern Ghats

21. Which is an example of subsistence farming? – Shifting cultivation

22. The circle of illumination divides Earth into which two hemispheres? – Day and Night

23. Why is Himalayan region poor in mineral resources? – Displacement of rock strata has disturbed the arrangement of rocks and made it complex

24. The origin of which river Amarkantak plateau in the Maikal hills marks? – Narmada

25. Which may be considered a reason for India having ‘high dependency' ratio? – Large section of population is in the age group of 0-14 years

26. Where have the Westerlies their origin? – Subtropical highs

27. Where are Frontal cyclones occured characteristically? – Mid-latitudinal region

28. According to Ferrel's law (Coriolis Force) How do winds change their direction? – Towards right in Northern hemisphere and towards left in Southern Hemisphere

29. Which national highway connects Delhi and Kolkata via Mathura and Varanasi ? – NH 2

30. What is The eastward continuation of the Brazil current? – Counter 'Equatorial drift


1. Which river in India flows In a rift-valley? – Narmada

2. What is the most important food crop of Australia? – Wheat

3. Which area is conducive for well irrigation? – Deltaic regions of Mahanadi, Godavari and Krishna

4. Radioactive decay provides an internal source of heat for the earth. This helps in the formation of which type of rocks? – Igneous

5. Which river crosses the equator two times? – Congo River

6. Which tree specie does not belong to deciduous vegetation? – Deodar

7. What do we call the Rocks having large quantity of underground water and permitting ready flow of water? – Aquifers

8. Which railway connecting two stations has been recognised as heritage railway line by UNESCO? – Siliguri and Darjeeling

9. Which hill station is called as the 'Queen of the Satpuras' ? – Panchmarhi

10. From where the Adam's Bridge begins? – Dhanuskodi

11. Which country is at the top in terms of percentage of total coffee production in the world? – Brazil

12. Which system contains the oldest rock formation of India? – Archean System

13. Which ocean currents mixes with Labrador current ? – Florida current

14. Which is the major occupation in equatorial region? – Growing of tropical crops

15. Which State shares common boundaries with maximum number of other States? – Chhattisgarh

16. Which dams is constructed across Krishna River? – Srisailam Dam

17. Diamond Ring, God's Eye and Baily's Beads are the parts of which natural phenomenon? – Solar eclipse

18. Of which country mineral oil was economically drilled in 1857? – Romania

19. The greatest seasonal contrast of insolation on the earth is in which latitudinal zones? – Tropical

20. What are the reasons of Variations in the length of day-time and night-time from season to season? – Revolution of the earth on a tilted axis

21. In which region is Biodiversity richer? – Tropical regions

22. Which is a sea without' having a coastline? – Sargasso Sea

23. In which country is drip irrigation more efficiently used? – Israel

24. Oil is found in petroliferous rock. Which structure demonstrates an ideal trap? – Anticlinal structure

25. In which region are Mid-latitude cyclones formed – strong temperature contrasts

26. How is the The drainage pattern developed on folded sedimentary rock termed? – Trellis

27. Which strait separates Australia and Tasmania? – Bass

28. What is The humidity of air measured in percentage? – Relative humidity

29. Through which range Jawahar tunnel on Jammu-Srimigar highway passes? – Pir Panjal range

30. What term does 'albedo' implie? – proportion of the shortwave solar radiation reflected by a surface


1. In which country is Barail range located? – India

2. Which State in India has the broadest continental shelf? – Gujarat

3. Which longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time? – 82.5°E

4. Which is the oldest mountain range in India? – Aravali

5. In which district is the highest point of Eastern Ghats located? – Visakhapatnam

6. Among the States of India, which one has the oldest rock formations in the country? – Karnataka

7. The Himalayas are formed of parallel fold ranges, which is the oldest range? – the Great Himalayas Range

8. Which country has the longest international boundary with India? – Bangladesh

9. India is the seventh largest country in the world and how much area does it cover approximately? – 3200000 sq. km

10. How much percent land area of India is covered by plains? – 43.3


24. The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer long? – 2500

25. The Himalyas are approximately how many kilometer broad? – 150 to 400

26. How many islands of India are located in the Bay of Bengal? – 204

27. The Himalayas consist of how many main parallel ranges from north to south. – Three

28. How much percentage land areas of India is covered by mountains? – 10.7

29. Driest areas of India which lie in Rajasthan have howmuch average annual rainfall? – Less than 1 cm

30. In terms of area, India is which largest country of the world? – Seventh

31. The Karakoram Highway connects which pair of countries? – China-Pakistan

32. What is the approximate length of the coast-line of India? – 6,000 km

33. Among the Union Territories of India, which one has the largest size? – Puducherry

34. The distance between the northern most point in Kashmir and Kanyakumari covers about how many latitudes? – 300 Latitude

35. Seacoast of which state is the longest? – Gujarat

36. Which range of Himalayas is know for hill stantions ? – Himachal

37. Which is east of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands? – Indonesia

38. What is the difference between IST and GMT? – 5 hours 30 minutes

39. In which island of India is an active volcano found ? – Barren Island

40. Kula, Kufri, Kajjair and Dalhousie are all tourists place of which state? – Himachal Pradesh

41. Which two river meet and form the largest delta in the world? – Ganga-Brahmaputra

42. Which correct sequence of places going from the east to the west of India? – Jorhat, Bhopal, Ahmedabad, Rajkot

43. Which is the wettest place in India? – Mawsynram

44. Which is area with annual rainfall less than 500 cm in a year? – Leh in Kashmir

45. How much average annual rainfall is experienced in the Rayilsema? – About below 60 cm

46. Which region has the highest variability of rainfall? – Gujarat

47. Which station has maximum annual range of temperature? – Delhi

48. Which are two coldertmenths in the northern part of India ? – December, January

49. Which is the State having the highest rainfall by North-East Monsoon? – Tamil Nadu

50. During winter North-western part of India gets rainfall from which side? – Western disturbances

51. Which winds prevail in India during cold weather season ? – North-East Trade winds

52. Which cause rainfall in the north-western parts of India during Winter Season? – Western disturbances

53. South west monsoon contributes to India’s total rainfall upto the extent of how many percentages? – 80-90 percent

54. In Thornthwaite’s scheme of classification of climate, what does ‘E’ indicate in the context of India? – Arid climate

55. Which region does not receive much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season? – Eastern Himalayas

56. Which state receives rainfall from north-east monsoons? – Tamil Nadu

57. Which is considered to cause an adverse of effect on Indian monsoon? – El-nino

58. Which region does not receives much rainfall in the south-west monsoon season? – Tamil Nadu coast

59. The annual variability of rainfall is over 50 percent in which state? – Western Rajasthan

60. Daily weather map showing isobars is an example of which map? – Chropleth map

61. Which place gets the least rainfall? – Jodhpur

62. In certain parts of Khasi and Jaintia hills, annual rainfall is about howmany c.m.? – 1000 cm

63. Which place receives fainfall less than 20 cms? – Jammu and Kashmir

64. The maximum rainfall area of India, i. e, Meghalaya has average annual rainfall of howmany c.m.? – 1050 cm

65. Certain regions of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh have rainy season in which months? – October-December

66. North-East monson causes rainfall in South-Eastern part of peninsular India during which states? – May-June

67. On the basis of rainfall patterns, India has been divided into how many number of rainfall regions? – 62

68. Amritsar and Shimla are almost on the same latitude, but why is their climate difference? – Due to the difference in their altitudes

69. Among regions of India, which one receives comparatively least amount of annual rainfall? – North-eastern Rajasthan

70. In which season in the frequency of tropical cyclenes in the Bay of Bengal Maximum? – Retreating mansoon

71. Why most parts of India remains dry during cold weather season? – Due to low pressure

72. The areas where monthly rainfall during October to December ranges 10 cm to 30 cm fall in which state? – Jammu and Kashmir

73. In which valley is the Himalayan pass Shipki La located? – Sutlej valley

74. Macmohan Line demarcates the boundary between which countries? – India and China

75. Which latitude passes through India? – Tropic of Cancer

76. Which river does not form any delta at its mouth? – Tapti and Narmada

77. Penganga, Wardha and Wainganga are the tributaries of which river? – Godavari

78. Which lake in India has the highest water salinity? – Sambhar

79. Which region has internal drainage? – Rajasthan

80. On which river is located Indo- Pak Bagalihar Project? – Chenab

81. Which waterfall in India has the most height? – Kunchikal Falls

82. In India, which state has the largest inland saline wetland? – Rajasthan

83. The Dul Hasti Power Station is based on which river? – Chenab

84. The Chilka Lake region lies in between the deltas of which rivers? – Mahanadi and Godavari

85. Whey are some of the rivers of peninsular India non perennial mainly? – Beacause rainfall is seasonal

86. Which lake has been formed due to tectonic activities? – Wular lake

87. The Damodar-Subarnarekha system is an example of which pattern? – Superimposed drainage pattern

88. If you want to visit sambhar lake, to which state you will go? – Rajasthan

89. When the top layer of the soil is removed over a large area by running water, what is it called? – Sheet erosion

90. Of the gross cropped area in India, the food grains occupy howmany percentages? – 60 to 70 percent

91. Which crop are grain with the on set of mansoon and are harvested in September-October? – Kharif

92. Which state leads in the production of maize? – Punjab

93. With which crop has Green Revolution been associated? – Wheat

94. Out of the total irrigated areas, the highest percentage of tank irrigated area lies in which state? – Bihar

95. Which is the state that is top in the cultivation of flowers? – Tamil Nadu

96. The small and marginal farmers will get irrigation facilities through which plan? – Ganga Kalyan Yojna

97. In India, what is the main limiting factor for cultivation? – Indequacy of water supply

98. Which state is the largest producer of black pepper in India? – Kerala

99. Jhum cultivation is a method of cultivation which is used to be practiced in which state? – Nagaland

100. Which is not an important plantation crop of India? – Grapes


1. What is the percentage of radiant energy reflected back by surface called? – Albedo

2. Which types of cloud rarely forms at height lower than 5000 metres? – Nimbostratus

3. A sea-breeze front is a weather front created by a sea-breeze, also known by which name? – Convergence zone

4. What is a line on a weather map joining all places of equal pressure called? – Isobar

5. Why is wind in the southern hemisphere is deflected towards left? – Due to rotation of the earth

6. Local thunderstorms ‘Norwesters’ are prominent in which state? – West Bengal

7. If the atmosphere is cooled, what is its capacity for water vapour? – Lowered

8. The tornadoes are very strong tropical cyclones originating in which sea? – Caribbean sea

9. Which region receives the rainfall throughout the year due to westerly winds? – South Chile

10. A cold local wind draining occasionally down the Rhone valley is known by which name? – Mistral


26. Exceptionally high rainfall is recorded in regions owing to which effect? – Orographic effect

27. In which country has maximum damage to the forests been caused by acid rain? – Poland

28. Which type of rubber provides the best commercial rubber? – Castillo

29. Which biomass has the highest species diversity? – Tropical rainforests

30. What is the minimum forest cover to maintain ecological balance? – 33%

31. The high altitude tropical forest which has dwarfed trees is known by which name? – Elfm forest

32. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called? – Vegatherms

33. The lower limit of the growing season is fixed a temperature of how many degrees? – 6°C

34. Bamboo and pine trees are generally found in which types of climates? – Tropical monsoon

35. Thick stems and thorny wax coated leaves are commonly found in which area? – Deserts

36. Xerophytes are plants which can grow in regions having how moisture? – Low moisture

37. What are the plants of tropical and sub-tropical regions called? – mesotherms

38. Plants which lack true roots, stems and leaves are called by which name? – Thallophytes

39. Equatorial forest of the Amazon basin is known as by which name? – Selvas

40. Plants having thorny leaves and penetrating roots are classified by which name? – Xerophytes

41. Primitive people practice animal rearing in the tropical grasslands of which area? – East Africa

42. What are the Low-latitude grasslands in south America called? – Pampas

43. The daily and annual range of temperature is minimum in which area? – Hot desert

44. The daily and annual range of temperature is maximum in which area? – Savanna grassland

45. Which environment leads to the occurrence of acid rain? – Sulphur dioxide

46. Which endangered Ridley turtles have the world’s largest aggregation? – Gahirmatha

47. Which climate factor has the least effect upon terrestrial ecosystem? – Wind

48. By whom was the concept of ‘stop and go’ Determinism put forward? – Griffith Taylor

49. What is the transition zone between two Ecosystems called? – Ecotone

50. The wave length of electromagnetic wave of the spectrum is expressed in which unit? – Angstorm

51. Which activity occupies the largest area of the world? – Pastoral herding

52. Which is the chief characteristic of wet and dry tropics? – Constant heating

53. In equatorial regions How is the temperature between July and January? – The same

54. Which natural region produced by the creation of climatic homogeneity by the sea? – Marine west coast

55. Lichens and Mosses are characteristic vegetation of which zone? – The polar zone

56. Which Grand Banks are famous fishing grounds in the region? – North-West Atlantic

57. A majority of the population of New found land are engaged in which profession? – Fishing

58. Which is the most important pelagic fish found in the North Sea adjacent to the U. K.? – Herring

59. Which country produced 127 lakh metric tones fish in 2010? – Japan

60. The Dogger Bank, the main fishing area of Europe, lies in which sea? – North Sea

61. Which country is included in the North-West pacific fishing grounds? – Japan

62. Abundance of organic matter in the soil is indicated by which colour? – Dark colour

63. What is the most suitable measure for soil conservation? – Afforestation

64. Which are the Soils that developed in humid tropical regions? – Laterite

65. Which soils developed on transported sediments? – Lithosols

66. Which type of soils produced by granite and gneiss of weathering? – Red

66. In which region is maximum amount of world’s phosphate produced? – Northern Africa

68. Which mineral is found in association with zinc? – Lead

69. In CIS, Krivory Rog, Kerch peninsula, Magnitogorsk are major producers of which ore? – Iron Ore

70. Which mineral is occurs in Alluvial deposits? – Tin

71. Which minerals are associated with granite and igneous rock? – Gold and silver

72. Which country is the largest producer of electricity by wind power in the world? – Norway

73. Where is the highest hydro-power potential in the African continent? – Equatorial Africa

74. Which country has the highest proportion of its electricity generation by nuclear plants? – France

75. Which is the highest coal producing country in the world? – China

76. Which country is the biggest exporter of soybeans in the world? – U.S.A.

77. Which region is practicing most intensive subsistence farming? – Monsoon Asia

78. Which food stuff is supposed to be the aristocrat among all cereals? – Wheat

79. Who has divided the world into major agricultural regions? – Whittlesey

80. Which country is well-known for its small precision high cost industrial goods? – Switzerland

81. Which has influenced most regarding the location of industries in the world? – Petroleum

82. Among the Asian countries, whose share in the world exports is the highest? – Singapore

83. Augusta and Atlanta, Where are the two important cotton textile centers located? – Georgia

84. Who devoted himself to the study of the modes of life of Germans living outside Germany? – Ratzel

85. Who advocated the idea that ‘the state is an organism attached to the land’? – Ratzel

86. Who geographers stated that the Earth is ail inseparable organic whole? – Ritter

87. The highest growth rate of population is found in which country? – India

88. Who was the first scholar to formulate the laws of migration? – Ravenstein, E.G.

89. South East Asian Cultural realm culturally is dominated by which country? – China

90. Which primitive people use ‘Krall’ for their shelter? – Maasai

91. Which racial group has the largest number of members? – Mongoloid

92. Who propounded the concentric circle theory of city morphology? – Burgess

93. Which country has the largest concentration of Railways? – South Africa

94. Which geographers wrote the book ‘Influences of Geographic Environment’? – Semple

95. Which geographer has developed the idea of the ‘mobility transition’? – L.A. Kosinski

96. Which geographer adopted the ‘deductive method’ of study in geography? – Kant

97. Which is the largest country in South West Asia in terms of population? – Turkey

98. ‘Amphilious’ wooden houses, floating of the chanals, where are found? – Bangkok

99. The major amount of wheat in Ukraine is produced in area of which soil? – Black earth (soil)

100. What is the largest country in the western hemisphere in terms of population? – United states


1. In which resion Softwood forests are mostly found? – Himalayan region

2. When was the Panama Canal constructed? – 1914 A.D.

3. Which are the mass Maps on large scale, representing both natural and man-made features? – Topographic maps

4. The requirement of water is highest in which industry? – Iron and Steel

5. What is generally expressed by the concentration of pollutants in atmosphere? – parts per million

6. How is the predominant soil in the Coastal plains and North Indian plains? – Alluvial

7. Between which hills Palghat is situated? – The Nilgiris and the Anaimalai Hills

8. What do we call the The group of stars arranged in a definite pattern? – Constellation

9. Which country has the highest percentage of its geographical area under forests? – Japan

10. Which country accounts for about two thirds of earning of its total export from rice trade ? – Myanmar

11. Which continent has the largest area in the equatorial belt? – South America

12. Which is place located at the confluence of Alaknanda and Pindar rivers? – Karnapiayag

13. Which Wallace's Line distinguishes or separates the flora and fauna? – South-East Asia and Australasia

14. By which countries The state of Sikkim is surrounded? – China, Nepal, Bhutan and West Bengal

15. Which place in India is nearest to the Tropic of Cancer? – Aizawl

16. Which is the main characteristic of Mediterranean climate? – Rain in winter season 

17. Which International waterways is operated through lock-system? – Panama Canal

18. Thtough which passes does the 'Golden quadrilateral', connect Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata? – Vadodara - Pune - Visakhapatnam - Varanasi

19. Ice glacier's melting is a common phenomenon linked to the rise in seawater level. Where are The glaciers predominantly present? – Antarctica

20. Of which ghat is Veliconda group of low hills a structural part? – Eastern Ghats

21. Which is an example of subsistence farming? – Shifting cultivation

22. The circle of illumination divides Earth into which two hemispheres? – Day and Night

23. Why is Himalayan region poor in mineral resources? – Displacement of rock strata has disturbed the arrangement of rocks and made it complex

24. The origin of which river Amarkantak plateau in the Maikal hills marks? – Narmada

25. Which may be considered a reason for India having ‘high dependency' ratio? – Large section of population is in the age group of 0-14 years

26. Where have the Westerlies their origin? – Subtropical highs

27. Where are Frontal cyclones occured characteristically? – Mid-latitudinal region

28. According to Ferrel's law (Coriolis Force) How do winds change their direction? – Towards right in Northern hemisphere and towards left in Southern Hemisphere

29. Which national highway connects Delhi and Kolkata via Mathura and Varanasi ? – NH 2

30. What is The eastward continuation of the Brazil current? – Counter 'Equatorial drift



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