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Sunday, June 13, 2021

English Quiz

English Quiz

One Word Substitution with Meaning

1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture

2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first

3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God

4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind

5. Autocracy – government by one person

6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself

7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person's body which is infected

8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons

9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept

10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession

11. Aristocracy – government by the nobles

12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water

13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea

14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease

15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation

16. Anthology – a collection of poems

17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone

18. Arbitrator – a person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute

19. Astronomer – a person, who studies stars, planets and other heavenly bodies

20. Astrologer – a person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings

21. Anthology – a collection of poems

22. Axiom – a statement which is accepted as true without proof

23. Agenda – a list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting

24. Anarchist – one, who is out to destroy all governance, law and order

25. Almanac – an annual calender with positions of stars

26. Bigamy – the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time

27. Bibliophile – a lover and collector of books

28. Bouquet – a collection of flowers

29. Bureaucracy – government by the officials

30. Belligerent – a person, nation that is involved in war

31. Biennial – an event which happens once in two years

32. Blasphemy – the act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things

33. Creche – a nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work

34. Cosmopolitan – a person who regards whole world as his country

35. Chauffeur – one, who is employed to drive a motor car

36. Curator – a person incharge of a museum

37. Carnivorous – one, who lives on flesh

38. Cannibal – one, who feeds on human flesh

39. Contemporaries – belonging to or living at the same time

40. Cloak room – a place for luggage at railway station

41. Cynosure – centre of attraction

42. Connoisseur – a critical judge of any art and craft

43. Crusade – a religious war

44. Choreographer – one, who teaches dancing

45. Cacographist – a person, who is bad in spellings

46. Calligraphist – a person, who writes beautiful handwriting

47. Cynic – one, who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men

48. Convalescent – one, who is recovering health

49. Cavalry – soldiers, who fight on horse back

50. Cardiologist – a person, who is specialist in heart diseases

51. Cartographer – one, who draws maps

52. Dormitory – the sleeping rooms with several beds especially in a college or institution

53. Drawn – a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat

54. Elegy – a poem of lamentation

55. Epitaph – words which are inscribed on the grave or the tomb in the memory of the buried

56. Ephemeral – lasting one day

57. Effeminate – a person who is womanish

58. Emigrant – a person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another

59. Edible – fit to be eaten

60. Egotism – practice of talking too much about oneself

61. Encyclopaedia – a book that contains information on various subjects

62. Epicure – one, who is devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking

63. Florist – one, who deals-in flowers

64. Fastidious – one, who is very -selective in one's taste

65. Fanatic or Bigot – one, who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters

66. Fatal – causing death

67. Fatalist – one, who believes in fate

68. Facsimile – an exact copy of handwriting, printing etc

69. Fauna – the animals of a certain region

70. Flora – the plants of a particular region

71. Fratricide – murder of brother

72. Fugitive – one, who runs away from justice or the law

73. Fragile – easily broken

74. Feminist – one, who works for the welfare of the women

75. Granary – a place for grains

76. Genocide – murder of race

77. Gregarious – animals which live in flocks

78. Hangar – a place for housing aeroplanes

79. Hive – a place for bees

80. Horticulture – the art of cultivating and managing gardens

81. Homicide – murder of man

82. Hearse – a vehicle which is used to carry a dead body

83. Hedonist – one, who believes that pleasure is the chief good (sensual)

84. Horizon – a line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet

85. Honorary – holding office without any remuneration

86. Heretic – one, who acts against religion

87. Herbivorous – one, who lives on herbs

88. Insolvent/Bankrupt – a person who is unable to pay his debts

89. Inaudible – a sound that cannot be heard

90. Inaccessible – that cannot be easily approached

91. Incorrigible – incapable of being corrected

92. Irreparable – incapable of being repaired

93. Illegible – incapable of being read

94. Inevitable – incapable of being avoided

95. Impracticable – incapable of being practised

96. Immigrant – a person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there

97. Invincible – one, too strong to be overcome

98. Indelible – that cannot be erased

99. Incognito – travelling under another name than one's own

100. Indefatigable – one, who does not tire easily

101. Infallible – one, who is free from all mistakes and failures

102. Invigilator – one, who supervises in the examination hall

103. Itinerant – one, who journeys from place to place

104. Infirmary – a home or room used for ill or injured people

105. Infanticide – murder of an infant

106. Infantry – soldiers, who fight on foot

107. Inflammable – liable to catch fire easily

108. Interregnum – a period of interval between two reigns or governments

109. Kennel – a place for dogs

110. Lunatic asylum – a home for lunatics

111. Lexicographer – one, who compiles a dictionary

112. Loquacious – one, who talks continuously

113. Linguist – one, who is skilled in foreign languages

114. Lapidist – one, who cuts precious stones

115. Misanthrope – a hater of mankind

116. Misogamist – one, who hates marriage

117. Mortuary – a place, where dead bodies are kept for post mortem

118. Mercenery – working only for the sake of money

119. Matricide – murder of mother

120. Martyr – one, who dies for a noble cause

121. Maiden speech – the first speech delivered by a person

122. Mint – a place where coins are made

123. Misogynist – a hater of womankind

124. Morgue – a place, where dead bodies are kept for identification

125. Mammals – animals which give milk

126. Monogamy – the practice of marrying one at a time

127. Missionary – a person, who is sent to propagate religion

128. Numismatics – the study of coins

129. Namesake – a person having same name as another

130. Nostalgia – a strong desire to return home, home sickness

131. Novice or Tyro – one, new to anything, inexperienced

132. Narcotic – a medicine for producing sleep

133. Optimist – a person who looks at the brighter side of things

134. Orphan – one, who has lost parents

135. Omnipresent – one, who is present everywhere

136. Omnipotent – one, who is all powerful

137. Omniscient – one, who knows everything

138. Opaque – that which cannot be seen through

139. Obituary – an account in the newspaper of the funeral of the one deceased

140. Orphanage – a home for orphans

141. Obstetrician – one, who is skilled in midwifery

142. Ostler – one, who looks after horses at an inn

143. Omnivorous – one, who eats everything

144. Pessimist – a person who looks at the darker side of things

145. Potable – fit to drink

146. Post mortem – an examination of dead body

147. Philanthropist – a lover of mankind

148. Patricide – murder of father

149. Philatelist – one, who collects stamps

150. Plagiarism – literary theft or passing off an author's original work as one's own

151. Polygamy – the practice of marrying more than one wife at a time

152. Polyandry – the practice of marrying more than one husband at a time

153. Philogynist – a lover of womankind

154. Plebiscite – (a decision made by) votes of all qualified citizens

155. Philanderer – one, who amuses himself by love making

156. Philistine – one who does not care for art and literature

157. Plutocracy – government by the rich

158. Pseudonym – an imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise

159. Posthumous – a child born after the death of his father or the book published after the death of the writer

160. Panacea – a remedy for all diseases

161. Paediatrician – a person, who is specialist in child diseases

162. Platitude – ordinary remarks often repeated

163. Pedant – one, who makes a vain display of his knowledge

164. Polyglot – one, who speaks many languages

165. Paleography – the study of ancient writing

166. Posse – a number of policemen called to quell a riot

167. Parole – pledge given by a prisoner for temporary release, not to escape

168. Pedestrian – one, who goes on foot

169. Portable – that can be carried easily

170. Quarantine – an act of separation from other persons to avoid infection

171. Rhetoric – the art of elegant speech or writing

172. Regicide – murder of King or Queen

173. Sacrilege – violating or profaning religious things/places

174. Sculptor – one, who cuts in stones

175. Suicide – murder of oneself

176. Stable – a place for horses

177. Somnambulist – a person, who walks in sleep

178. Somniloquist – a person, who talks in sleep

179. Souvenir – a thing kept as a reminder of a person, place or event

180. Swan song – the last work (literary) of a writer

181. Sot, Toper – one, who is a habitual drunkard

182. Sinecure – a job with high salary but little responsibility

183. Stoic – a person, who is indifferent to pleasure and pain and has control over his passions

184. Sanatorium – a place for the sick to recover health

185. Sororicide – murder of sister

186. Triennial – an event which happens once in three years

187. Truant – a person/student who absents himself from class or duty without permission

188. Teetotaller – one, who does not take any intoxicating drink

189. Transparent – that which can be seen through

190. Theocracy – government by religious principles

191. Uxorious – one extremely fond of one's wife

192. Utopia – an imaginary perfect social and political system

193. Uxoricide – murder of wife

194. Verbatim – repetition of speech or writing word for word

195. Volunteer – one, who offers one's services

196. Virgin – a woman who has no sexual experience

197. Versatile – interested in and clever at many different things

198. Veteran – one, who has a long experience of any occupation

199. Venial – a fault that may be forgiven

200. Wardrobe – a place for clothes


S. No.






foreigner, outsider

native, resident



provoke, irreverence

conciliate, mollify



misfortune, calamity 

prosperity, fortune



hostility, aversion

admiration, fascination



enlarge, extend 

lessen, contract



abate, relieve 

aggravate, enhance



counsel, reprove

approve, applaud



follower, disciple

rival, adversary



clumsy, rough

clever, apt



entice, fascinate

repulse, repel



vain, unproductive

effectual, productive



pacify, soothe

aggravate, excite



maxim, truth

absurdity, blunder



uncivilized, savage

cultured, humane



frustrate, perplex

compose, facilitate



magical, fascinating

repulsive, repugnant



approve, agree

differ, disagree



punish, admonish

cheer, encourage



virtuous, pure

sullied lustful



competent, able

incompetent, inept



imprisonment, confinement

freedom, liberty



charm, fascinate

disillusion, offend



defamation, aspersion

commendation, praise



obdurate, unfeeling

compassionate, tender



adversity, misfortune

happiness, fortune



depth, depression

elevation, projection



terminate, desist

begin, originate



spend, pay

disclaim, repudiate



contaminate, pollute

purify, sanctity



prolong, suspend

accelerate, expedite



devote, consecrate

refuse, negate



interpret, reveal

misinterpret, distort



deception, artifice

veracity, sincerity



collapse, decompose

flourish, progress



elegant, delicate

clumsy, coarse



undertake, aspire

cease, quit



hindrance, obstacle

incentive stimulant



expression, fluency

halting, stammering



expel, oust

restore, accept



dignify, heighten

deprecate, denounce



destroy, obliterate

retain, maintain



delight, exultation

despair, calamity, depression



strange abnormal

natural, conventional



transient, temporary

enduring, eternal



strife, quarrel

fraternity, harmony



cruel, fierce

gentle, sympathetic



weak, frail

strong, robust



fanciful, uncommon

ordinary, normal



narrow-minded, biased

liberal, tolerant



stumble, demur

persist, endure



delusion, mistake

veracity, truth



courteous, beneficent

rude, unforgiving



magnificent, dazzling

dull, unpretentious



stuff, satiate

starve, abstain



obscurity, darkness

delight, mirth



arrogant, pompous

humble, submissive



irritate, molest

assist, comfort



unfortunate, ill-fated

fortunate, lucky



random, unsorted

considered, arranged



retard, prevent

promote, facilitate



inappropriate, absurd

compatible, harmonious



inefficient, unskilled

dexterous, skilled



disposition, affection

disinclination, indifference



attribute, ascribe

exculpate, support



irreligious, unholy

pious, devout



hurdle, obstruction

assistance, concurrence



just, unbiased

prejudiced, biased



diminish, deteriorate

restore, revive



prerogative, privilege

blame, censure



impending, brewing

distant, receding



submerge, involve

emerge, uncover



huge, enormous

puny, insignificant



unsullied, spotless

defiled, tarnished



rejoicing, triumphant

melancholy, depressing



frolicsome, cheerful

solemn, morose



tired exhausted

renewed, recreated



dull, boring

interesting, exciting



dishonest, scoundrel

paragon, innocent



death knell, last blow

reconstruction, rediscovery



complicated, difficult

simple, manageable



loiter, prolong

hasten, quicken



magnanimous, generous

stingy, malicious



accountable, bound

unaccountable, apt to



compassionate, merciful

cruel, severe



slack, careless

firm, reliable



abundant, excessive

scarce, deficient



appease, assuage

irritate, infuriate



harass, tease

console, soothe



humble, courteous

arrogant, pompous



alleviate, relieve

augment, enhance



marvellous, extraordinary

ordinary, trivial



diminutive, miniature

large, colossal



profuse, various

scarce, deficient



cancel, annul

confirm, uphold



baneful, injurious

healing, profitable



tyro, beginner

veteran, ingenious



descendant, sibling

ancestor, forefather



abhorrent, arrogant

docile, compliant



malevolent, obnoxious

engaging, fascinating



latent, ambiguous

intelligible, transparent



evident, apparent

obscure, ambiguous



impede, prevent

hasten, encourage



plight, dilemma

resolution, confidence



doubtful, insecure

assured, undeniable



haughty, arrogant

unpretentious, humble



petulant, obstinate

complacent, docile



flippancy, impudence

modesty, diffidence



perverse, sullen

suave, amiable



matchless, unrivalled

mediocre, commonplace



foremost, eminent

trivial, inferior



flatter, indulge

deny, disparage



tranquil, calm

turbulent, hostile



equivocate, prevaricate

unfeign, plain



seclude, screen

befriend, socialize



dubious, disputable

reliable, authentic



recant, withdraw

confirm, assert



inaccessible, farther

adjoining, adjacent



regret, penitence

ruthlessness, obduracy



displeasure, wrath

content, cheer



residue, piece

entire, whole



cunning crafty

simple, imbecile



lethargy, unconsciousness

sensibility, consciousness



dirty, filthy

tidy, attractive



intermittent, scattered

incessant, frequent



entreat, implore

protest, oppose



mock, scorn

flatter, praise



defame, malign

applaud, approve



miserable, impoverished

prosperous, thriving



impudent, insolent

modest, humble



cool, moderate

boisterous, violent



wearisome, irksome

exhilarating, lively



reserved, silent

talkative, extrovert



prohibit, ban

permit, consent



assembly, crowd

dispersion, sparsity



violent, riotous

peaceful, harmonious



awkward, ungraceful

elegant, graceful



resentment, bitterness

sympathy, goodwill



bravery, prowess

fear, cowardice



wanderer, roaming

steady, settled



cautious, alert

careless, negligent



genuine, authentic

fallacious, deceptive



ingenious, experienced

novice, tyro



poison, malevolence

antidote, benevolent



use, employ

forgo, avoid



pale, faded

bright, healthy



vicious, immoral

Virtuous, noble



marry, combine

divorce, separate



languish, crave

content, satisfy



shout, shriek

whisper, muted



eagerness, fervour

apathy, lethargy


Directions (Q. 1 to 5) : Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word and mark it in the answer sheet.

1. Fortify

(A) strengthen (B) support (C) undermine (D) intensify (Ans : C)


2. Misanthropist

(A) philanthropist (B) zealot (C) pragmatist (D) pedant (Ans : A)


3. Unapproachable

(A) unclear (B) accessible (C) casual (D) withdrawn (Ans : B)


4. Ostracize

(A) crucify (B) discard (C) patronize (D) shun (Ans : C)


5. Abstain

(A) repel (B) indulge (C) disgrace (D) dismiss (Ans : B)


Directions (Q. 6 to 10) : Four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and mark your answer in the answer sheet.

6. Find the correctly spelt word.

(A) Conteinment (B) Confinment (C) Conceilment (D) Consignment (Ans : D)


7. Find the correctly spelt word.

(A) Obeisence (B) Perservance (C) Turbulance (D) Surveillance (Ans : D)


8. Find the correctly spelt word.

(A) Congrruous (B) Auspiscious (C) Audacious (D) Hillarious (Ans : C)


9. Find the correctly spelt word.

(A) Dysfunction (B) Dastitution (C) Divienation (D) Divarsion (Ans : A)


10. Find the correctly spelt word.

(A) Hygeinic (B) Hygienic (C) Hyigeinic (D) Hyegienic (Ans : B)


Directions (Q. 11 to 15) : Some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and blacken the circle corresponding to the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, blacken the circle corresponding to 'No Error' in the answer sheet.

11. The car that he is using these days is belonging to his employer–

(A) The car that he is using (B) to his employer (C) these days is belonging (D) No error (Ans : C)


12. Three years have elapsed since I had gone to visit my aunt in the city–

(A) visit my anut in the city (B) since I had gone to (C) No error (D) Three years have elapsed (Ans : B)


13. I reached two hours before he had came–

(A) he had came (B) I reached (C) two hours before (D) No error (Ans : A)


14. He needs not have shouted at me that way–

(A) at me that way (B) not have shouted (C) No error (D) He needs (Ans : D)


15. He assured me that he will return in an hour–

(A) in an hour (B) that he will return (C) No error (D) He assured me (Ans : C)


Directions (Q. 16 to 20) : Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and mark it in the answer sheet.


The destructive process of Mountain Top Removal mining (MTR) has caused permanent damage to Appalachia. Although the law requires that mining companies restore the mountaintops after the mining has been completed, the 1.5 million acres of mountains that have already been removed cannot be re-grown, re-built, or replaced. The companies do secure the rock formations to prevent erosion and landslides, but their efforts cannot recreate the once beautiful mountain landscape. Furthermore, while companies are usually vigilant about securing the rock formations, they seem less interested in restorinig the native vegetation. MTR operations clear enormous tracts of forest. Environmental hazards are not only created in preparing a mountaintop for mining, they also continue once the coal has been extracted. After the blast, the excess mountaintop – which miners refer to as 'overburden' – is usually dumped into nearby valleys or streams. The overburden contains a variety of toxic substances, including explosive residue, silica and coal dust.


16. After the MTR operation, the mining companies–

(A) beautify the mountains (B) replace the mountaintops

(C) secure rock formations to prevent erosion (D) restore native vegetation (Ans : C)


17. The word opposite in meaning to 'Vigilant' is–

(A) careless (B) annoyed (C) displeased (D) lenient (Ans : A)


18. In the Appalachian region MTR has caused–

(A) landslides (B) permanent beautification (C) floods (D) widespread damage (Ans : D)


19. The term "overburden" means–

(A) weeds planted by mining companies (B) excess mountaintop left after the extraction of coal through the blast

(C) debris from landslides (D) remnants of natural forests (Ans : B)


20. MTR operations cause environmental hazards because–

(A) it causes landslides (B) it causes explosion (C) it destroys natural vegetation

(D) mountaintops dumped in valleys & streams contain toxic substance (Ans : D)


Directions (Q. 21 to 25) : A sentence/a part of the sentence is underlined. Below are given alternatives to the underlined part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alter- native. In case no improvement is required, choose "No Improvement" option.

21. Try to lower the amount of fat in your diet–

(A) Lose (B) No improvement (C) Cut (D) Reduce (Ans : D)


22. You should cut off on the amount of cigarettes you smoke–

(A) cut out (B) cut down (C) No improvement (D) cut up (Ans : B)


23. You must accustom yourself with new ideas–

(A) No improvement (B) accustomed yourself with (C) get accustom to (D) accustom yourself to (Ans : D)


24. I contradicted against him–

(A) No improvement (B) contradicted with (C) contradicted (D) contradicted over (Ans : C)


25. No sooner than it stopped raining, the children went out–

(A) No improvement (B) had it stopped raining than (C) did it stopped raining than (D) did it stop raining than (Ans : D)


Directions (Q. 26 to 30) : Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word and mark it in the answer sheet.

26. Synopsis

(A) preview (B) discussion (C) summary (D) report (Ans : C)


27. Contentious

(A) extravagant (B) precious (C) benevolent (D) controversial (Ans : D)


28. Conjecture

(A) strife (B) guess (C) critic (D) gathering (Ans : B)


29. Brazen

(A) shameless (B) trashy (C) modest (D) melodramatic (Ans : A)


30. Jinx

(A) spell (B) taunt (C) juncture (D) tour (Ans : A)


Directions (Q. 31 to 35) : Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences and indicate it by blackening the appropriate circle in the answer sheet.

31. Scientific study of Earthquakes–

(A) Geography (B) Seismology (C) Astrology (D) Anthropology (Ans : B)


32. The study of growing garden plants–

(A) nomenclature (B) nursery (C) orchard (D) horticulture (Ans : D)


33. One who copies from other writers–

(A) Offender (B) Plagiarist (C) Contender (D) Antagonist (Ans : B)


34. The belief that God is in everything, including nature–

(A) Naturalism (B) Pantheism (C) Polytheism (D) Mysticism (Ans : B)


35. Gradually advanced–

(A) evaded (B) evoluted (C) advantaged (D) evolved (Ans : D)


Directions (Q. 36-40) : Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and mark it in the answer sheet.


Flattery means 'praising insincerely in order to please'. Every flatterer says words in which he himself does not believe. While flattering he is insincere to the man he is praising and to himself. In doing so he does not mind if he corrupts the minds of those whom he flatters.

Flattery is immoral because it stains the human conscience. It creates a world of falsehood and thus an outrage of man's sense of decency and gentlemanly behaviour.

A man who feels happy when flattered lives in a fool's paradise. Flattery is the ready weapon of the opportunist. This weapon easily conquers the weak willed man. It works on the general weakness of human beings . We all love to be told what we are not rather than what we are. Flattery is equally bad for him who is flattered and for him who flatters.

Flattery deceives us by giving us false notions about ourselves. By falling a victim to it, we show lack of character. By accepting flattery we make ourselves small beings. It is an evil which ruins social and moral values by claiming what is not rightfully its own. It thrives on corruption and leads to human bankruptcy. It is thus the greatest of disease which can plague humanity.


36. How does the weapon of flattery work?

(A) A man does not like it (B) It conquers the man with a weak will

(C) A man feels sad (D) It conquers the man with a strong will (Ans : B)


37. 'Thrives' in the passage means–

(A) collects (B) provides (C) fills (D) prospers (Ans : D)


38. How does flattery deceive us?

(A) It gives us false ideas about ourselves (B) It makes us feel indecent

(C) It makes us bankrupt (D) It makes us more corrupt (Ans : A)


39. Flattery can stain the–

(A) human conscience (B) heart (C) emotion (D) mind (Ans : A)


40. Flattery means–

(A) insincere praise in order to please (B) claiming what is not ours (C) being anti-social (D) being immoral (Ans : A)


Directions (Q. 41-45) : Four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase underlined. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase and mark it in the answer sheet.

41. To roll out the red carpet–

(A) to give a warning signal (B) to give a grand welcome (C) to buy a gift (D) to decorate the room (Ans : B)


42. To have an axe to grind–

(A) To have a selfish end to serve (B) To fail to arouse interest (C) To criticise someone (D) To work for both sides (Ans : A)


43. To put his foot down–

(A) Withdraw (B) Concede (C) Not to yield (D) Risign (Ans : C)


44. Have a foot in the grave–

(A) be afraid to die (B) be close to death (C) have no interest in life (D) have an incurable disease (Ans : B)


45. A hornet's nest–

(A) a dilemma (B) among thorns (C) a comfortable position (D) an unpleasant situation (Ans : D)


Directions (Q. 46-50) : Sentences given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four and indicate it by blackening the appropriate circle in the answer sheet.

46. The demonstration passed off without–

(A) incident (B) incidence (C) accident (D) coincidence (Ans : B)


47. As the driver swerved violently at the turning, the wheel came off, as it was already–

(A) lost (B) loose (C) loss (D) lose (Ans : B)


48. His profession is teaching but his ………. is photography.

(A) vocation (B) vocative (C) vacation (D) avocation (Ans : D)


49. He quarreled with his boss, ………. of the consequences.

(A) heedless (B) devoid (C) weary (D) confident (Ans : A)


50. Some verbs need a ………. to convey the full meaning.

(A) complement (B) component (C) complimentary (D) compliment (Ans : A)


Directions (Q. Nos. 1-20) : Look at the underlined part of each sentence. Below each sentence are given three possible substitutions for the underlined part. If one of them (A), (B) or (C) is better than the underlined part, indicate your response on the answer sheet against the corresponding letter (A), (B) or (C). If none of the substitutions improves the sentence, indicate (D) as your response on the answer sheet. Thus, a ‘No improvement’ response will be signified by the letter (D).






1. The police investigated into the matter.

(A) with the matter (B) at the matter (C) the matter (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


2. I am not telling that you should hunt out people to pursue your policies.

(A) asking (B) saying (C) speaking (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


3. Not a word they spoke to the unfortunate wife about it.

(A) did they speak (B) they will speak (C) they had spoken (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


4. They set a strong guard, lest anyone could escape.

(A) would (B) might (C) should (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


5. He is better than any boy in the class.

(A) any boys (B) all the boys (C) any other boy (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


6. He is resembling his father.

(A) has been resembling (B) resembles like (C) resembles (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


7. I am used to hard work.

(A) work hard (B) work hardly (C) hard working (D) No improvement (Ans : D)


8. We need honest workers, not people of redoubtable integrity.

(A) doubting (B) doubtful (C) doubtless (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


9. We now come to the important question of where this great swarm of galaxies have come from.

(A) have come (B) has come from (C) are coming from (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


10. My neighbour is having two cars.

(A) is owning (B) has (C) is possessing (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


11. He is unlikely to come to the party. But if he comes I would talk to him.

(A) if he would come (B) if he is to come (C) if he will come (D) No improvement (Ans : D)


12. He is still in vigorous health although he is on the right side of sixty.

(A) wrong (B) left (C) negative (D) No improvement (Ans : A)


13. I did not wait for him because he went out before I arrived.

(A) has gone out (B) had gone out (C) had been out (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


14. As I am tired, I cannot be able to climb this hill now.

(A) can be able (B) will not be able (C) will not be possible (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


15. You must complete this work up to Sunday.

(A) within Sunday (B) by Sunday (C) until Sunday (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


16. Some passengers were flown to Paris on the last trip.

(A) fled (B) flied (C) flew (D) No improvement (Ans : D)


17. Never I have seen such breathtaking scenery!

(A) Never have I (B) Ever I have (C) I cannot ever (D) No improvement (Ans : A)


18. The new headmaster affected many changes in the school.

(A) injected (B) effected (C) inflicted (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


19. I have still to meet a person who is perfectly satisfied with his job.

(A) am still to meet (B) am yet to meet (C) might still meet (D) No improvement (Ans : B)


20. Many people find it difficult to make both hands meet.

(A) both accounts (B) both hand to mouth (C) both ends meet (D) No improvement (Ans : C)


Direction (Q. Nos. 1-40) : Each question has a sentence with three parts labelled (A), (B) and (C). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any part and indicate your answer in the answer sheet against the corresponding letter 2i.e., (A) or (B) or (C). If you find no error, your answer should be indicated as (D).






1. I did not know where they were going (A)/ nor could I understand (B)/ why had they left so soon. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


2. The teacher let the boy off (A)/ with a warning though he (B)/ was convinced with his guilt. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


3. If I would be a millionaire, (A)/ I would not be wasting my time (B)/ waiting for a bus. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


4. I should (A)/ have preferred (B)/ to go by myself. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : D)


5. It would be more better (A)/ If you could paint (B)/ the gate green. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


6. He walked five miles which are really a great distance (A)/ for a man like him (B)/ who is not only old but also ill. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


7. People shouldn’t (A)/ drop litter on pavements, (B)/ should they? (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : D)


8. When things’get difficult, (A)/ you just have to (B)/ grit your teeth and preserve. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


9. Now, it can be easily said (A)/ that the population of this city is greater (B)/ than any other city in India. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


10. If we exercise regularly (A)/ we will be (B)/ more healthier. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


11. You will get (A)/ all the informations (B)/ if you read this booklet carefully. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : B)


12. I have paid (A) / my bill for electricity (B) / only a week ago. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


13. He is very ill (A)/ I am afraid (B)/ he is going to die. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : D)


14. We have studied the two specimens carefully (A)/ X differs to Y (B)/ in only one respect, (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : B)


15. If you don’t start behaving properly, (A)/ I will be forced to (B)/ tell to your supervisor, (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


16. The difficult part (A)/ is learning the new computer codes (B)/ after that it’s all downhill. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : D)


17. The teenager reassured his father at the station (A)/ “Don’t worry, dad’ (B)/ I will pull on very nicely at the hostel.” (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


18. I should do (A)/ the same (B)/ If I were in your place. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


19. India’s problems are not similar with (A)/ those of other countries (B)/ in several ways. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


20. I have tried (A)/ to meet him several times (B)/ he isn’t never at home. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


21. He is every but (A)/ as guilty (B)/ as I. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


22. If I was the king, (A)/I would change the face (B)/ of my country. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


23. With only a week (A)/ to go for the election (B)/ things are really hotting up. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : D)


24. Although there was still (A)/ a faint heartbeat, the patient was (B)/ for all intents and purposes dead, (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


25. We swam up to the drowning man, caught hold of his clothes (A)/ before he could go down again (B)/ and pulled him out, safe to the shore. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


26. It is only three days ago (A)/ that (B)/ he has arrived. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


27. There was no any piece of paper (A)/ in my pocket (B)/ as I had expected. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : A)


28. Molly speaks (A)/ French well (B)/ isn’t it? (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


29. One of the peculiarities (A)/ which distinguishes the present age (B)/ is the multiplication of books. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : B)


30. I prefer (A)/ my job (B)/ to yours. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : D)


31. The taxi (A)/ came at 8 O’clock (B)/ in the next morning, (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


32. It’s difficult to make friends (A)/ with her, she’s constantly (B)/ in the offensive. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


33. He goes (A)/ to office (B)/ by foot. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


34. The French Embassy employs him (A)/ regularly (B)/ as he knows to speak French. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


35. More than one (A)/ workmen (B)/ was killed, (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : B)


36. Each of the boys (A)/ were to blame (B)/ for the accident. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : B)


37. Drydus’ prose, which is meant to be popular (A)/ loses nothing of its value (B)/ by being compared with his contemporaries. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


38. There has always been (A)/ some form of education (B)/ but there has not always been schools. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


39. I havent’t been (A)/ to New York before and (B)/ neither my sister. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : C)


40. That store (A)/ hadn’t hardly (B)/ any of those goods. (C)/ No error (D)

(Ans : B)


Directions (Q. Nos. 1-20) : The following questions, there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumbled up. You are required to rearrange these parts which are labelled P, Q, R and S, to produce the correct sentence. Choose the correct sequence and mark in your answer sheet accordingly.

1. Athens it was also (P)/ the first democracy in the world (Q)/ was not only (R)/ an almost perfect democracy (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) RSPQ (B) PQRS (C) RQPS (D) QPSR (Ans : C)


2. They decided for their friends (P)/ that afternoon (Q)/ to buy some presents (R)/ to go shopping (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QRSP (B) SQRP (C) QRPS (D) PQSR (Ans : B)


3. One monsoon evening

P : the farmer returned from the fields

Q : when the sky was overcast with threa-tening clouds

R : and found a group of children playing on the road

S : a little earlier than usual

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QSPR (B) QPSR (C) QRSP (D) PQRS (Ans : B)


4. P : Shyam took

Q : a photograph

R : from the window

S : which was overexposed

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SQRP (B) RPSQ (C) PRQS (D) RQSP (Ans : C)


5. People know not only of the smokers themselves (P)/ that smoking tobacco (Q)/ but also of their companions (R)/ is injurious to the health (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PSQR (B) RPSQ (C) QPRS (D) QSPR (Ans : D)


6. The long gruelling hours had finally paid off (P)/ on drawing after drawing, (Q)/ working tirelessly, (R)/ painting after painting (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PRQS (B) RQSP (C) QSRP (D) RPQS (Ans : B)


7. Climate

P : cultures and political structures

Q : in that it affects the entire

R : change is a truly unifying phenomenon

S : world irrespective of national borders

The correct sequence should be–

(A) RSQP (B) PQSR (C) RQSP (D) PSQR (Ans : C)


8. Cricketers fail to zero in on a reason (P)/ well against a specific opposition (Q)/ for their playing exceptionally (R)/ past or present (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SPQR (B) PSQR (C) SPRQ (D) PSRQ (Ans : C)


9. All religions are to advance the cause of peace (P)/ in a holy partnership (Q)/ justice and freedom (R)/ bound together (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PRQS (B) PQRS (C) SQPR (D) SPQR (Ans : C)


10. They went out in the morning by a bus (P)/ to spend the day at Bhimli, (Q)/ a famous picnic spot, (R)/ some 25 km away (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PQRS (B) QRSP (C) RSPQ (D) SRQP (Ans : A)


11. P : don’t stop him

Q : for an hour

R : if you

S : he will run

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QPSR (B) PQSR (C) SQRP (D) SPRQ (Ans : C)


12. The scientist

P : refused to talk to the press

Q : who discovered

R : that everyone is talking about

S : the ancient cure

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QRPS (B) RSPQ (C) QSRP (D) PRSQ (Ans : C)


13. The teacher warned that he would not let (P)/ go home (Q)/ those students (R)/ who do not finish the class work (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PQRS (B) PRQS (C) PRSQ (D) RSPQ (Ans : A)


14. with an idea to reach the deprived child (P)/ by the United Nations (Q)/ the year 1979 has been declared as (R)/ the International Year of the Child (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) RSPQ (B) RSQP (C) PRSQ (D) PQRS (Ans : B)


15. It was not

P : conditions with fuel prices climbing to dizzy heights

Q : but resentment arising out of harsh economic

R : which led to the recent protests in Myanmar

S : as inspiration for democracy

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QSRP (B) SQPR (C) QSPR (D) SQRP (Ans : B)


16. Quite a few in the previous years (P)/ to large chunks of territory that India said was its (Q)/ over the McMahon Line, with China laying claims (R)/ border incursions and clashes had taken place (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SPRQ (B) PSQR (C) SPQR (D) PSRQ (Ans : A)


17. The Prime Minister declared that those states (P)/ will get all help and aid (Q)/ where family planning (R)/ is effected very efficiently (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PRSQ (B) PQRS (C) RSPQ (D) QPSR (Ans : A)


18. As the situation has changed, since we last discussed this matter (P)/ it was best to contact you (Q)/ it appeared to me (R)/ without losing time (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PQRS (B) PRSQ (C) PRQS (D) SPRQ (Ans : C)


19. One should remember that

P : lying at the side of the road

Q : if we found our neighbour

R : unable to move because of a broken leg

S : we should show our neighbourliness

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SQPR (B) PQRS (C) QRPS (D) SQRP (Ans : C)


20. I sat down

P : this morning

Q : to write an article

R : but found

S : I could make no progress

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SPRQ (B) QRPS (C) QPRS (D) RSQP (Ans : C)


21. the teacher had to be specially careful (P)/ because he enjoyed the confidence (Q)/ about how he faced up to this problem (R)/ of all the boys (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PRQS (B) QPSR (C) SPRQ (D) PSRQ (Ans : A)


22. Mother tongue is for the development (P)/ as natural (Q)/ of man’s mind (R)/ as mother’s milk (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SRPQ (B) PQSR (C) SRQP (D) QSPR (Ans : D)


23. From my plane flying over Namibia

P : stretching 320 kilometres away

Q : a shore of pink and silver sand

R : I looked down at a haunting sight

S : edged by a line of smoking surf

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QRPS (B) RQSP (C) QRSP (D) RQPS (Ans : B)


24. From the days of the

African and Asian States for their power blocks (P)/ there was a mad scramble by the US and the Soviet Union (Q)/ Yalta Conference of February 4, 1945 (R)/ to recruit the newly decolonised (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SQRP (B) RPSQ (C) SPRQ (D) RQSP (Ans : D)


25. My friend when he was going to his office (P)/ met with an accident (Q)/ on his scooter (R)/ due to rash driving (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PQRS (B) PRQS (C) SRQP (D) QSRP (Ans : B)


26. The natives of Caribbean regarded the papaya (P)/ because of its ability (Q)/ as a magic tree (R)/ to keep them healthy (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PRSQ (B) PRQS (C) RPQS (D) RPSQ (Ans : B)


27. Dr Ravi

P : has been appointed reader in the University

Q : in the recent selections

R : in a Private Degree College

S : who was working as a lecturer

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PQSR (B) SRPQ (C) QPSR (D) SQRP (Ans : A)


28. The person

P : at night

Q : next door

R : sings loudly

S : who lives

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PRQS (B) QSRP (C) SQRP (D) PQSR (Ans : C)


29. The person who can state

correct than the person who cannot (P)/ is more likely to be (Q)/ his antagonist’s point of view (R)/ to the satisfaction of the antagonist (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) RSQP (B) RQPS (C) PQRS (D) SQRP (Ans : A)


30. For a moment that I am terribly old (P)/ since I was child (Q)/ and that it is very long time ago (R)/ I forget (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QPRS (B) PSRQ (C) RPQS (D) SPRQ (Ans : D)


31. The old lady

P : wanted to sell her precious table

Q : having the capacity to pay a huge amount as its price

R : to someone

S : with gold coated legs and glossy surface

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QSRP (B) PRSQ (C) QRSP (D) PSRQ (Ans : D)


32. It is giant strides in development (P)/ so that we make (Q)/ more and more rational like western countries (R)/ high time we became (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) RSPQ (B) SRQP (C) RSQP (D) SRPQ (Ans : B)


33. The boy said I am not going to the school (P)/ with my friends in the class room (Q)/ where my teacher scolds (R)/ me when I want to play (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PQRS (B) PSQR (C) SQPR (D) PRSQ (Ans : D)


34. He asked me would telephone him (P)/ as soon as I (Q)/ if I (R)/ reach home (S)

The proper sequence should be–

(A) PSQR (B) QPRS (C) RPQS (D) SRQP (Ans : C)


35. I have read

P : who by some mysterious laws of her nature

Q : in the form of a foul and poisonous snake

R : the story of a fairy

S : was condemned to appear in certain seasons

The correct sequence should be–

(A) QRSP (B) PQRQ (C) RQPS (D) RPSQ (Ans : D)


36. Happiness does not consist

P : in rank or position,

Q : it is a state of mind

R : who are contended

S : available to those

The correct sequence should be–

(A) PQRS (B) QPRS (C) PQSR (D) RPSQ (Ans : C)


37. He was known and therefore his arrest (P)/ surprised everyone who knew him (Q)/ on charges of corruption (R)/ to be an honest and kind man (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SPRQ (B) RQPS (C) PQRS (D) QRPS (Ans : A)


38. For thirty years with slave like docility (P)/ or her tribe (Q)/ his wife had submitted to his persecution (R)/ that is the badge (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) RQPS (B) PRQS (C) RPSQ (D) RPQS (Ans : C)


39. Many of

P : but plants and that we do not

Q : eat meat since that amounts to harming animals

R : us humans pride ouerselves

S : by declaring that we eat nothing

The correct sequence should be–

(A) RQSP (B) PSQR (C) RSPQ (D) PQSR (Ans : C)


40. Compared to was an occasion of stately pagentry (P)/ the birth of the Republic (Q)/ accompanied by partition riots (R)/ the dawn of independence (S)

The correct sequence should be–

(A) SQRP (B) PRQS (C) SRQP (D) PQRS (Ans : C)



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